Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Piper Turned 2!!

Well, Miss Piper Lynn turned 2 this past weekend, and we had a small little party for her. She didnt quite know what to think of it all, but had so much fun in her new bouncy house, and eating her favorite Tilapia and asparagus, then ending it with homemade ice "ceam" cake. Brent and I are so proud of her and all that she does. We cant wait to for our next little addition to make their way next January to add to all our fun.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Time sure flys!!!

Its sure has been a really busy 3 months since I updated on here. Brent came home from deployment, and weve been having quite a bit to deal with, with it all, but things are finally starting to feel like normal again. Well, a new normal anyways. Piper and daddy are getting to know one another and have so much fun playing and doing all the things that Piper loves to do. And daddy is even showing Piper how to do his favorite things like video games and reading. Piper is 19 months old now, and just had her check up last week and is doing awesome! She is 25 pounds and 33.5 inches long. Doctor was very impressed with all the words and body parts that she knows and can point to and say. We are very proud to be her parents, and just love seeing all the new and exciting things she will be teaching us every new day. Hope all is well with everyone else, sending you all much love and joy!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! Piper was beyond spoiled and it was such a nice time spending it with both the Beck's and Taylor's! All grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. So much love. Here are a few of the shots from the weekend and from the snow today that we got! Looking forward to a New Year!! Can't believe another one is already upon us. Here is to hope for a much deserved better new year.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun weekend!

We had a really nice weekend! Uncle Tyler came up to Seattle and stayed with us and hung out! And on Sunday we went over to the Bigg's house for a Christmas party for the kiddos! Piper had a massive cookie overload and loved every minute of it! Charlene decorated one with her and it was all down hill from there! ;-) We had such a great time!